Friday, February 18, 2022

Acupressure point On Face

Acupressure point On Face

 The acupressure areas in the facial area have been utilized to treat everything from headaches and congestion to chills and fevers.

While research on the advantages of applying acupressure is not extensive, research suggests it can help relieve physical pain and stress.

Acupressure massage proved beneficial in reducing the symptoms of Bell's Palsy, an affliction that causes paralysis. The symptoms of depression were decreased.


Yintang is One of the best accupressure point on face.

Yintang is situated between your eyebrows. It is called the "third eye."

Make use of it for:

  • Reduce anxiety
  • Enhancing sleep

  • UB-2 :

  • The acupressure point is situated near the top of both eyebrows and runs along the inside of the eye. The UB-2 point relieves sinus congestion, itchy, watery, or red eyes due to allergies. Massage this point for three mins to help treat glaucoma headaches, night blindness, and myopia.


  • The acupressure spot known as GV26 is situated between your nose and upper lip. It is located through the natural depression or crease of the upper lip, referred to as the philtrum. When you've found it, apply medium pressure to the area for 5 minutes in a row and repeat it twice every day. Make use of the thumb point for greater impact. The point on the upper lip is also believed to decrease appetite and assist in helping the body manage appetite.

  • Helps reduce acne, facial blemishes, unattractive complexion, and sagging cheeks. Improves the circulation of facial blood.

  • To activate the body's self-healing ability to heal yourself, you must first identify the acupressure points that you have to focus on for your body's specific needs. Applying firm pressure is the st basic method. Use fingers, thumbs, palms, palms, the back of the hand, or knuckles, to apply constant static pressure to the area for a couple of minutes.

  • This pressure point is located in the space between the chin's and lower lip, in the midline, below the lower lip. It is a natural healing process for the wry face, issues with salivation, epilepsy, enuresis, and other disorders.
  • It is recommended to massage this area with facial cream or even oil. Apply the face cream or il at the beginning of each day and in the evening, and then press the acupoint using your fingers. Push the pressure point upwards in a diagonal fashion. Repeat this process for 10-20 seconds, five times.             

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Weight Loss Tips 8 Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting

Weight Loss Tips

8 Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting

Simple changes to your routine will help you shed weight and maintain it.

Weight Loss Tips

Sure, you can lose weight quickly. Many trendy diets help you reduce rapidly but leave the user feeling full and depleted. However, what's the point of loss of importance only to gain it? 

To keep the weight off for a long time, it is best to shed weight gradually. According to many experts, it's possible to do this without committing to the "diet." The key is simply making minor adjustments to your daily routine.

A pound worth of fat is equivalent to 3500 calories. If you can cut down on 500 calories per day by making dietary and exercise changes, you could lose around a pound per week. If you're only trying to maintain your weight, slicing 100 calories daily is enough to prevent the extra 2 to 3 pounds adults gain every year.

Try one or two of these easy, non-invasive methods to lose weight without committing to"diets. "diet":

1:Take breakfast every day:

One habit that's common to those who have shed weight and maintained it has been having breakfast every day. "Many people believe eating breakfast in the morning is a good option to reduce calories. 

However, they often end with a higher intake during their day, according to Elizabeth Ward, MS, RD, the writer of The Pocket Idiot's Handbook to the new food pyramids. "Studies have shown that people who eat breakfast tend to have lower BMIs than those who skip breakfast and do better at work or school." 

Consider a bowl of whole-grain cereal topped with fruit and low-fat dairy for an easy and healthy beginning to your day.

2:Shut the kitchen off at night:

 Establish a time at which you'll end eating to not succumb to hunger pangs of the night or eat nothing but snacks while watching TV. 

"Have a cup of tea, suck on a piece of hard candy or enjoy a small bowl of light ice cream or frozen yogurt if you want something sweet after dinner, but then brush your teeth so you will be less likely to eat or drink anything else," recommends Elaine Magee, MPH, RD the WebMD's "Recipe Doctor" and the author of Comfort Food Makeovers.

3:Make the right choice when it comes to liquid calories:

Sweetened drinks pile on calories, but they don't help in reducing hunger the way solid food items do. You can quench your thirst with water sparkling water, sparkling with citrus, low-fat skim or skim milk, or smaller amounts of pure fruit juice. Drink a glass of healthy and low-calorie vegetable juices to keep you going when you are complete in between meals.

 Be aware of the alcohol-related calories that can add up quickly. If you are prone to drinking one or two glasses of wine or a drink during the week, restricting your alcohol consumption to weekends can be an enormous calorie-saving option.

4:Eat More Fruit and Vegetables:

 Eating lots of low-calorie and high-volume vegetables and fruits will block out other foods that are richer in calories and fat. Take the meat out of your plate, and then pile on the veggies. According to Barbara Rolls, Ph.D., the author of The Volumetrics Eating Plan, you can also start your meal with a salad made of vegetables or soup made from broth; according to Barbara Rolls, Ph.D., the author of The Volumetrics Eating Plan. It is suggested that you eat U.S. government's 2005 Dietary Guidelines recommend that adults consume 7-13 cups of fresh produce a day. Ward says that it's not as difficult as it sounds: "Stock your kitchen with plenty of fruits and vegetables, and at every meal and snack, include a few servings," she suggests.

 "Your diet will be enriched with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, fiber, and if you fill up on super-nutritious produce, you won't be reaching for the cookie jar."

Go for the Grain. When you substitute whole grains with refined grains such as white cake, bread, pretzels, and cookies, You'll get the fiber you need and can fill you up faster, which means you're more likely to take in a decent amount: select whole-wheat pasta and bread bran flakes, brown rice popcorn, whole-rye crackers.

5:Manage Your Spaces:

Another simple strategy to reduce calories is to manage your surroundings -- everything includes ensuring your kitchen is stocked with healthy choices to selecting the right restaurant. This means staying away from the temptation of eating from restaurants that offer all-you-can-eat meals. 

When it comes to gatherings, "eat a healthy snack before so you won't be starving, and be selective when you fill your plate at the buffet," advises Ward. Before returning to eat more, you should wait at least 15 minutes. Then drink a large drink of water.

6:Trim Portions:

 If you did nothing else other than cut down on portions by 10%-20 percent, you'd lose weight. The majority of the parts you are served in restaurants and at home are more significant than you require. Take out measure cups to grasp your normal portions, and then reduce them. Gain immediate food control with small bowls, plates, and cups, according to Brian Wansink, Ph.D., the author of Mindless eating. You won't feel hungry because your food will appear plentiful on slender dishes.

7:Add more steps:

 Get yourself a one-to-one pedometer and gradually increase your efforts until you have reached 10,000 steps per day. Throughout the day, do all you can to stay active. For example, you can walk faster when you are on your phone. 

Take your dog for a walk, take the dog on an extra stroll, or move around during television commercials. The pedometer is an effective motivator and reminder.

Have Protein at Every Meal and Snack. Adding a source of lean or low-fat protein with every snack or meal will keep you feeling fuller longer and less likely to overeat. For example, try low-fat yogurt, a small portion of peanut butter, nuts, beans, eggs, and lean cuts of meat. 

In addition, experts suggest eating small amounts of meals frequently and meals (every about 3-4 hours) to ensure that your blood sugar levels remain stable and prevent overindulging.

8:Switch to lighter alternatives whenever:

 you can use low-fat varieties of salad dressings, mayonnaise, dairy products, and other foods. "You can trim calories effortlessly if you use low-fat and lighter products, and if the product is mixed in with other ingredients, no one will ever notice," Magee says. Magee. 

Alternatives to make smarter choices include: using salsa or Hummus for dips or spreading on sandwiches using mustard in place of mayo. 

Consume plain sweet potatoes in place of loaded white potatoes and use skim milk instead of cream for your morning coffee; hold the cheese in sandwiches and drizzle a bit of vinaigrette dressing on salads instead of putting on your dressing with creamy.


Saturday, February 12, 2022

Diabetes, Symptoms of Diabetes,Types Of Diabetes, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, Treatment for diabetes

 Diabetes, Symptoms of Diabetes,Types Of Diabetes, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, Treatment for diabetes


The condition is a chronic (long-lasting) disease that influences how your body converts the energy from food to create.

Most of the foods you consume are broken into sugar (also known as glucose) and then released into the bloodstream. When blood sugar levels go up, it prompts the pancreas that it is time to let out insulin. Insulin is a key that lets the blood sugar enter your body's cells to be used to generate energy.

If you're suffering from the disease, it's because your body does not produce enough insulin or doesn't utilize the insulin it has at the same rate as it ought to. If there's not enough insulin or the cells , a lot of cease to respond to insuline  blood sugar remains in the bloodstream. In time, this could cause serious health issues like cardovascular disease,vision loss and kidney disease.

There's no cure for diabetes; however, being slimmer, eating healthy food, and staying active can benefit. In addition, taking medication as required and obtaining ,self management training for diabetes and assistance , as well as keeping regular appointments for health check-ups, can help reduce the effects of diabetes on your daily life.

                  Types of Diabetes

Three major kinds are diabetes-related: type 1,type 2, and gestational diabetes (diabetes when pregnant).

What are the various kinds of diabetics?

The different types of diabetes are: 

Type 1 Diabetes:

 This condition is autoimmune, which means that the body attacks itself. In this situation, the insulin-producing cells of your pancreas have been destroyed. As high as 10% of those with diabetes suffer from Type 1 diabetes. It's typically found in children and young adults (but it can develop at any time). It was previously referred to by the name of "juvenile" diabetes. Patients having Type 1 diabetes need to be on insulin throughout the day. This is the reason it's often referred to as insulin-dependent diabete

Type 2 Diabetes:

  •  When you suffer from this form of diabetes, your body isn't producing enough insulin, or your cells do not respond in a normal way to insulin. It is a frequent form of diabetes. Around 90% of people who have diabetes suffer from Type 2. It typically occurs in older adults and those who are middle-aged. Other terms used to describe Type 2 include adult-onset diabetes and insulin-resistant diabetes. Your grandparents or parents might have described it as "having a touch of sugar."

  • PreDiabetes

  •  It is the first stage before type 2 diabetes. The blood sugar levels of your patients exceed normal however they are not enough to warrant a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes.

  • Gestational diabetes

  •  This type is a common occurrence in women during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes is usually gone after the pregnancy. If you do have gestational type diabetes, you're more at the chance of becoming Type two diabetes later in life.

                Signs and symptoms of diabetes

The signs of diabetes can be due to increased blood sugar levels.

General symptoms

The main symptoms of diabetes are:

  • more appetite
  • an increase in thirst
  • weight loss
  • Frequent Urination
  • Vision Blury
  • Sever Fatigue
  • Sores That are'nt Healing

Sptoms in men

In addition to the usual symptoms of diabetes,people who have diabetes may also have diminished sexual desire , erectile disfunction (ED), and weak muscles.

Symptoms in women

Woman with diabetes are also susceptible to symptoms, such as bladder infections, yeast infections, and itchy, dry skin.


A crucial aspect of managing diabetes and your overall health is keeping a healthy weight by following an exercise and diet strategy:

Healthful living:

                         Contrary to popular opinion, there's no definite diabetic diet. You'll have to base your diet around more vegetables, fruits as well as lean proteins, along with whole grains -- which are foods that are rich in nutrients and fiber and are low in calories and fat and calories. You should also cut down on saturated fats, processed carbs, and sweets. It's the best diet plan for your entire family. Of course, it's okay to indulge in sweets now and then when they're considered part of your diet plan.

But, figuring out what and how much you should consume can be difficult. A registered dietitian will help you develop a menu plan that is compatible with your health goals, preferences for food, and lifestyle. It is likely to include counting carbohydrates, particularly in the case of type 1 diabetes or using insulin for treatment.

Physical physical:

                               Everyone needs regular aerobic exercise, and those with diabetes are no exception. Exercise can lower your blood sugar levels by transferring sugar into your cells, where it is utilized for energy. Exercise can also increase the sensitivity to insulin, meaning that your body will require less insulin to bring sugar into your cells.

Find your doctor's approval to exercise. You can then choose activities you love including cycling, swimming, or walking. The most important thing is to make exercise a regular element of your daily routine.

At a minimum of 30 minutes of aerobic exercise on most weeks or at a minimum of 150 mins of moderate exercise every week. The amount of activity you can do is just 10 minutes three times per day. If you've been idle for some time, begin with a slow pace and progress. It's recommended to avoid sitting longer than you need to -- try to get up and walk around when you've been sitting for longer than 30 mins.

Treatments of Type 1 and type 2 diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes treatment requires insulin injections and the pumping of insulin, regular blood sugar tests, and counting of carbohydrates. Treatment for type 2 diabetes is primarily modifications to your lifestyle, monitoring your blood sugar levels, and with insulin, diabetes medication, or both.

Monitor the level of your blood sugar:

Depending on your treatment plan, you can examine your blood sugar as often as four times per day or more often if taking insulin. Monitoring your blood sugar will ensure that your blood glucose stays within your desired range. 

For example, type 2 diabetics who don't take insulin typically test their blood sugar more frequently.

Patients receiving insulin therapy may also track their blood sugar levels using Continuous glucose monitoring. Although this technology hasn't entirely replaced the glucose gauge, it could dramatically reduce the number of fingersticks required to measure blood sugar levels and offer important details about the changes in blood sugar.

Even with a careful approach to managing blood sugar, levels may fluctuate unpredictably. With the help of the diabetes management team, you'll discover how your blood sugar alters depending on activities, food, medicines or illness, alcohol consumption, stress, and for women, changes in hormones.

Alongside daily monitoring of your blood sugar levels, your physician will probably suggest regular A1C tests to determine your blood sugar levels over the last two to three months.

In contrast to repeated glucose tests on your blood, A1C testing better indicates the extent to which your diabetes treatment program is effective in general. An increase in A1C levels could indicate the need for changes to your insulin or oral medications, regimen, or meal schedule.

The target A1C target may differ based on your age and other factors, like any other medical issues you might suffer from. However, for most patients with diabetes, there is a standard American Diabetes Association recommends an A1C below 7.7%. Consult your physician about what your A1C goal is.


People with type 1 diabetes require insulin therapy to stay alive. In addition, many patients with type 2 diabetes, also known as gestational diabetes, require insulin therapy.

Different types of insulin are available, including quick-acting (regular) and rapid-acting insulin. Long-acting insulin, and intermediate. Based on your requirements, your physician may recommend various insulins to be used throughout the day and into the night.

Insulin shouldn't be consumed orally to reduce blood sugar levels because stomach enzymes can interfere with insulin's effects. Instead, insulin injections are often done with a syringe and needle and an insulin pen instrument that appears similar to an ink pen.

An insulin pump could also be a possibility. The pump is similar to the size of a cellphone that you wear around your body. The tube connects the insulin reservoir to a catheter inserted underneath the abdomen's skin.

An insulin pump tubeless that operates wirelessly is now also available. The insulin pump is programmed to deliver precise quantities of insulin. In addition, it can be adjusted to provide more or less insulin based on the amount of food consumed, activity level, and blood sugar levels.

September 2016 in September 2016, The Food and Drug Administration approved the first artificial pancreas designed for type 1 diabetes who are 14 or over. Another artificial pancreas, also known as a synthetic one, was approved in December 2019. Since then, systems have been supported for kids over 2 years old.

The artificial pancreas can also be known as closed-loop insulin delivery. Implanted devices connect an ongoing glucose monitor, which monitors glucose levels in the blood every five minutes, and the insulin pump. The pump automatically releases the right amount of insulin whenever the monitor determines that it's required.

Another artificial pancreas (closed-loop) system is being tested in clinical studies.

Oral or any other medicines: Sometimes other oral or injected drugs are also prescribed. For example, certain diabetes medications trigger the pancreas' release and produce more insulin. Other medications block the release and production of glucose from your liver. This implies requiring less insulin to transfer sugar into your cells.

Other medications hinder the actions of digestive enzymes that break down carbohydrates and cause your tissues to be more sensitive to insulin. For example, Metformin (Glumetza, Fortamet, others) is usually the first prescription medication for type 2 diabetes.

A different class of medicine known as SGLT2 inhibitors could be employed. They stop the kidneys from absorbing sugar into the blood. Instead, sugar is removed from the urine.

Transplantation:In some people with type 1 diabetes, the possibility of a pancreas transplant might be an alternative. Islet transplants are being investigated too. After a successful pancreas transplant, the patient would no longer require insulin therapy.

However, they aren't always successful and are a serious risk. You'll need to use a variety of immunosuppressing medications to avoid the rejection of organs. These medications can cause severe side effects, and that's why transplants are typically reserved for patients whose diabetes cannot be controlled or who require an organ transplant.

Surgery for bariatric: Although it is not specifically thought of as an option for treating type 2 diabetes. However, people having type 2 diabetes who are overweight and have a body mass index greater than 35 might benefit from this procedure. In addition, patients who have undergone gastric bypass have seen dramatic improvements in glucose levels. But the potential long-term effects and risks for people with type 2 diabetes aren't known yet.


Friday, February 11, 2022

Lung Cancer Symptoms, Causes, Types, Stages, Diagnosis, Treatment

Lung Cancer Symptoms, Causes, Types, Stages, Diagnosis, Treatment

Lung cancer is a form of cancer that develops in the lung. The lung is a pair of soft organs inside your chest. They absorb oxygen when you breathe in and release carbon dioxide after exhaling.

Lung cancer is the leading cancer cause of death in the world.

Smokers have the highest risk of developing lung cancer. However, lung cancer may also develop in those who haven't had a cigarette. The risk of developing lung cancer rises depending on the time and the number of cigarettes you've consumed. 

If you have stopped smoking cigarettes, even after having smoked for an extended period, it will reduce the risk of developing lung cancer.


Lung cancer usually doesn't trigger symptoms or signs at the beginning of its development. Instead, the signs and symptoms of lung cancer typically occur after the disease has advanced.

A sign or symptom of lung cancer could include:

💧An unexpected cough that won't get better or disappear

💧Sniffing blood, even a tiny amount

💧Breathing shortness

💧Chest pain


💧Losing weight without even trying

💧Bone pain


Anyone can get it. Lung cancer can develop when the cells of the lung change or alter. Many factors can cause the mutation (a permanent change to the sequence of DNA in the gene) to occur. 

This alteration in the lung cells occurs when people breathe in harmful and toxic substances. Even if you were exposed to these chemicals a few years ago, you're still at risk of lung cancer. So first, discuss with your physician when you've had exposure to one of these chemicals that are listed below. Then, follow steps to decrease the risk of developing lung cancer and safeguard your lung.

                 Causes Of Lungs Cancer


Smoking cigarettes is the most common reason for lung cancer. It is responsible for about 90% of lung cancer-related cases. In addition, smoking tobacco is a source of many chemicals known to cause lung cancer. Therefore, stopping smoking is the most effective thing to improve your health if you smoke.

Smokers aren't the only ones who are affected by cigarettes smoke. If you're a previous smoker, the risk diminished, but it's not been eliminated. You can still develop lung cancer. Non-smokers are also affected by smoking cigarettes. Smoking secondhand smoke can put the risk of lung cancer and other ailments.


Exposure to radiation from Radon is the second most significant cause of lung cancer. Radon is colourless and smells less radioactive gas found organically in soil. Instead, it rises through the ground before entering structures through tiny spaces and fractures.

3:Hazardous Chemicals

Exposure to hazardous chemicals could cause lung cancer. Working with substances such as asbestos, uranium and arsenic, Cadmium, chromium-nickel, and petroleum products is particularly dangerous.

4:Particle Pollution

Particle pollution is the mixture of tiny pieces of liquid and solid particles present in the air that we breathe. Research has shown that particle pollution -- like those emitted by exhaust smoke, increases the risk of lung cancer.

                   Types Of Lungs Cancer

There are various kinds of cancers of the lung that originate from primary, and they are classified into two principal categories:

  • small cell lung cancer (SCLC)
  • non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)

The most commonly encountered form is non-small Lung cancer, a cell.

Small cell lung cancer (SCLC)

About 15 to 20 per cent of 100 cases of lung cancer (around 15 to 20 per cent) diagnosed are of this kind. Smoking cigarettes cause the majority of cases. Cancers can be diagnosed early.

Lung cancers of small cells are also classified as neuroendocrine tumours. Neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) can be described as rare tumours that arise in the neurons in neurons in the system of the brain. When it comes to small cell lung cancers, the tumour originates in the neuroendocrine cell of the lung.

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)

Between 80 and 85 cents of 100 cancers of the lung (around 80-85 per cent) across the UK are non-small lymphoma lung cancer (NSCLC). The three major kinds are adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and large cell carcinoma.

They are classified together because they respond in the same way and react to treatments in the same way.


This is the most typical form and is found in the glands for mucus cells that line your airways.

Squamous cell carcinoma

This cancer develops in the fat cells that line the airways' surface. It is more likely to grow close to the centre of the lung.

Large cell carcinoma

The cancerous cells appear huge and round when examined under a microscope.

Other forms of non-small cell cancer

If your cancerous cells appear like they are not fully developed under a microscope, your doctor will not be able to determine the type of cancer you're suffering from. However, there are various tests that the team can perform to get more details from the specimen.

               Stages of lung cancer

The stages of cancer indicate how far this cancer is spreading and aid in determining the best treatment.

The likelihood of success cure or curative treatment is more significant when lung cancer is discovered and treated in its early stages before it begins to spread. Unfortunately, since lung cancer does not cause noticeable symptoms until the early stages, it is often diagnosed after the cancer has progressed.

Non-small-cell lung cancer can be found in four major stages:

  • Phase 1 is detected in the lung, but it hasn't spread beyond the lung.
  • Stage 2 It is cancerous in the lung and adjacent lymph nodes.
  • 3. It is a cancer of the lymph nodes and the lung in the middle of the chest.
  • 3. A Stage: Lymph nodes can be found to harbour cancer; however, only on the side of the chest that cancer first begins to grow.
  • 3. B Stage: Cancer has also spread to the lymph nodes located on one chest side or to lymph nodes above the collarbone.
  • Stage 4 cancer has spread to the lungs and the lung area and even to distant organs.

Cancer called small cell lung (SCLC) is found in two primary stages. The limited stage is diagnosed in just one lung or lymph node located nearby on the same chest side.

The advanced stage indicates that cancer has spread

  • all over one lung
  • To the lung on the opposite side
  • to lymph nodes located on the opposite side
  • to the fluid that surrounds the lung
  • to the bone to bone
  • to distant organs

When the diagnosis is made, two of 3 patients diagnosed with SCLC are in the advanced stage.

                 Diagnosing lung cancer

After a physical exam, your doctor will inform you what you need to do for specific tests, for example:

  • Tests for imaging A suspicious mass is visible in X-rays, MRI, CT, and PET scans. These scans provide more details and can reveal smaller lesions.
  • Sputum Cytology If you create coughing up phlegm, A microscopic examination will determine whether cancerous cells are present.

A biopsy will determine whether tumour cells are cancerous. A tissue sample is obtained through:

  • Bronchoscopy Under sedation, an illuminating tube is inserted into your throat and then into your lungs. This allows for an examination of your lungs.
  • Mediastinoscopy, The doctor creates an incision near the base of the neck. An instrument with light is introduced, and surgical instruments extract the lymph nodes' samples. It is typically performed in a hospital with general anaesthesia.
  • Needle Utilizing imaging tests as a reference, the needle is then inserted into the chest into the lung tissue with suspicious signs. A needle biopsy may also be utilized to determine the presence of lymph nodes.

The samples of tissue are taken to the pathologist for examination. If the test results are harmful to the presence of cancer, additional tests, like the bone scan, may help to determine whether cancer has spread or aid in the staging.

To conduct the test, you'll be infused with a radioactive substance. Abnormal bone areas will be highlighted on the scans. MRI, CT, and PET scans can also be used to determine the condition of the bone.

                       Treatment for lung cancer

It's recommended to get a different opinion before beginning treatment. Your physician might be able to get you to that point. If you're diagnosed with cancer of the lung, your treatment will be overseen by a group of doctors that could comprise:

  • A surgeon who is specialized in lungs and chest surgery (thoracic surgeon)
  • a lung specialist (pulmonologist)
  • A medical oncologist
  • A radiation oncologist

Search all treatment options before taking a final decision. The doctors will coordinate treatment and keep you informed.

Treatment for lung cancer that is non-small cell (NSCLC) The treatment for NSCLC varies from individual to individual. A lot depends on specific aspects of your overall health.

1. Stage NSCLC Surgery to remove a part of the lung could be all you require. Chemotherapy is also a possibility, especially if you're an increased chance of repeating.

In stage 2 of NSCLC, you may require surgery to remove a portion of the entire lung. Chemotherapy is generally suggested.

Stage 3 NSCLC There is a possibility that you will require surgical, chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

Stage 4 of NSCLC is the most difficult to treat. However, there are options for treatment, including surgery treatment with targeted therapies, chemotherapy and immunotherapy.

Small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treatment options may also include chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation treatment. However, most of the time, the tumour is too advanced for surgery.

Clinical trials offer exciting new therapies. Consult your physician to determine whether you're eligible for the clinical trial.

A few patients who have advanced lung cancer decide not to undergo treatment. However, there is still a possibility of choosing palliative care therapies focused on treating cancer symptoms, not cancer itself.

Acupressure point On Face

Acupressure point On Face   The acupressure areas in the facial area have been utilized to treat everything from headaches and congestion to...